This was a while back, I was at a private hospital, having my knees examined by mum's boss (bone specialist) who took so many X-rays and then wiggled my legs and knees and then said,
"Well, you are born with deformity in your knees."
Did not think the choice of words he used were nice, but that basically was that, I have knees that are abnormal. I happened to have a dent on my ear, so that makes 3 in total. I don't mind having something that are just mine, really.
What it is, though, is that my knee caps are rather loose and my knees are very easily popped. Have done so twice in past 8 years, and it had happened again 4 weeks ago.
I was watering my garden, and thought about washing my car as the hose was set towards where car was parked. So I went inside to get a bucket, and found it, then bent my body backward to grab a sponge which was right behind me. Then next thing I've lost balance and I was on floor. I knew what had happened, but I was in such a pain and shock I couldn't move to see my knee to check it.
A minute had passed and I put all my remaining guts and energy to look down (or up in this case, as I was laying on the floor and my thigh was up in the air,) and sure enough, there was a lower part of my leg missing below my knee,but just hanging off the joint.
Paramedics cut open my sweat pants
(@£3 from George!) |
I began screaming as if I was being murdered, through the open door, as loud as I can. It was late afternoon to early evening and I knew people will hear me, but, man, that felt like it was forever before someone said,
"What is the matter?"
It was quite lucky that I had my knee dislocated at that time of the day, at where I was at. I had all my necessities in visible proximity, and even had my crutches next to me from the last dislocation.
Paramedics arrived within 30 min, gave me laughing gas, and snapped my knee back in place, which is one of the worst things I had to experience.
This story goes on for a bit as that was the only beginning. Well, let's just say, thanks to my neighbours, paramedics and my crush I am OK today, and am walking about with some aid of crutches.
to be continued...