Thursday, 18 August 2011

Story of My Deformity 3

To answer my caring friend's comment, yes, I was well looked after while I was house bound. Someone who was kind enough to worry that I'd die if I didn't eat for a day (in reality I can go on for 3 days for sure as I have stored up enough fat and sugar!) came by with bags of groceries from Marks!

So my work finally got the picture on how serious the damage was,


I did casually mention that I could do some desk work if required,

and next thing they were setting my computer up remotely, got that ready in an hour, and my boss was saying,

"So can you pick it up from there, start doing them applications now?"

What? I came back from A&E at 2am this morning, and am still in the torn pants and in pain and all and you want me to work NOW???

So they insisted that I work from home that way. I was not even given 1 day off.

to be continued... (Next one should be the last, hopefully.)

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* :) nice caring friend you have there ... and I simply can't believe how your company treats you! That's just madness. !@#!@#!@# Not fair! Aren't there someone else who can takeover your job and let you rest? WTF seriously !@#!@#!# ... How are you doing now, btw? hope you are doing better.
