Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Isn't it amazing how
People do anything for a shag? I saw the laziest people at work began moving like a hamster on a wheel all of sudden one night, and scurrying off into darkness with customers afterward. I must say I do that, too, though, not exactly for a shag. This makes me wonder, though. If I was mopping the floor like the fastest forwarding video tape, just because I know he may or may not be in my place, because I left my keys out in our little secret place, does that mean I like this guy? I was thinking how much I hate this guy and how much I do not wish to see him ever again up until the very last day. I rehearsed a million times how to say, "No, I don't want to see you tonight," over the phone, and he calls, what did I say? "Yeah, no probs, keys will be in the same place." What the fuck is wrong with meeee??? I don't even know if I like this guy or not!!! Even if I was degreasing the entire wall within 3 minutes.