Am off to the annual staff party tomorrow.
In my sad social life, this so SADLY is the biggest event of the year, especially since I've managed to hook up with my boss in one of these, though, must say, am not that looking forward to it.
It usually runs for 12 hrs, and I never drink that hard else time.
Come to think of it, the biggest non-alcoholic event of the year is, clearly, the Summer Ball, which leads, without fail, to about 10 hrs of drinking and makes the whole thing 30 hrs or so to complete.
I must wonder though, WHY I always get drunk with work people, as in, with my bosses??
I remember the last time I got dumped, I began drinking the second he left my place, start calling mum 15 min later (already drunk), crying for next 4 hrs, went on drinking at my local for another few hrs... and the bosses were there.
I love them, in a very selfish AND a self conscious way; I am well aware that they don't love me and that I can't count on them. But they are (again, sadly,) very knowledgeable on my love life, and I do know that if I bitch about my ex, they will do nothing but to slag him off, because they just KNOW.
It is like a lukewarm bath, you are too comfy sitting in it, and you just know it is harshly cold when you get out of it.
With much appreciation,
Your Executive Kitchen Bitch.