Saturday, 9 April 2005

4 beers and 7 fags later

That wasn't the reason I called someone slut, besides I don't even know if there was a sagittarius girl.

But if there was, and if it was you, Hannah, I called myself a bitch so it wasn't personal at all and I think you are hot.

Why men ask me what the star sign people are like, always quoting his girl friends' signs.

I mean, I bet you know hers way better than I ever do, since I never met them and you are sleeping with them for a long time??

Just because leo women have tendency to use people, scorpios to self pity and aquarius women to drive men crazy with their mistique, that doesn't mean your leo girls are using you, or you should dump your scorpio girls because that is what happen to them all the time, nor you should stay away from aquarius.

Tendency is not the abs. truth either, and I am not totally following the signs, either.