Thursday, 20 July 2006

Dead Foxy

This Monday was really dreadful on road. It was so hot from early hours, and there were so many road kills everywhere I went. I saw a flopsy bunny, half mashed, its ear standing up in the air. I saw light coming through right there. I saw a couple of hedgehogs laying around like needled balls. And I saw a fox, perfectly preserved in the horror of death.
That fox has been there ever since, on M329, on a bridge just before Bracknell. He is there and nobody is doing any further damage, which is ironic as he wasn't lucky enough to dodge the hit when the fatal moment came.
He looks like that dog from Scrubs, that's how preserved he is. Every morning I pass there and the sight of him makes me feel so many things. He is really clean for what he is, though I am sure he is missing some body parts which I can't quite confirm. He is so still, even for the dead because no car is running over him any more, and that is making him appear SO REALLY, REALLY dead.
I bet whoever killed him actually goes on driving there every day and feeling absolutely liable, day after day.
Heat does funny things to people on wheels, and animals around the vehicles. That fox is like a Lorelei to me. It is calling, or calling out. Sorry, mate.