Tuesday, 29 August 2006

Definition of Hatred

What defines hate?
Imagine yourself driving.
Imagine yourself doing 55mph on NSL road.
Imagine you are driving towards a roundabout at the end of the dual carriage way.
Imagine yourself in a car behind this Pasat or whatever the car you can think of, which start spinning right into your direction.
Imagine you are now slowing down at the speed of 35mph but are in very dangerous position.
Imagine yourself quickly see a way out of this by turning your wheel to hard-left.
Imagine yourself getting out of the car on car crush by the narrowest chance, only to face a pedestrian walking right on the edge of the roundabout.
Imagine yourself noticing the person in front of you is your ex.
Imagine yourself having a choice of braking even harder, or,
imagine yourself calculating the distance to the person and think of yourself to be in the safe.
Imagine yourself intentionally NOT braking.

Now, that's hatred.