Monday, 14 May 2007

Being Mrs. Such and Such

I have been married a lot of time. Working in a call centre and part of my job is to proxy some dumb customers with loads of stash means to pretend being some people I have never met. One thing I cannot pretend is the sex, so naturally I tend to end up being their Mrs. so and so. I had to come up with excuses of himself not calling, such as;
"My husband is on a business trip to Europe and not returning to UK for another 3 weeks. Are you saying that I have to be stuck in the house without phone service and internet for that long?"
"I have a friend in the area so I am staying here for a few days, but we are not actually living in this area yet, and my husband is not even in this country."
blah, blah, blah...
I am a big fat liar, and that's how our business works.
Every time I become Mrs. Such and Such I feel so dreadful and cynical. Hate the whole institute of marriage. I never wanted to get married, and I never will. Even fictitious marriage makes me feel drained. And every time I come across strong, as if to say,
"Yes, I can ask you to do this for him because he is my husband and I have his consent."
I am laughing in my head. Since when being Mrs. gives anyone any right that has anything to do with any man? Being married to the guy should not give one any power against certain phone company to skip credit checks and go ahead with 12 months contract. It is just absurd.
(Why even be with you? I have no right towards you, your life, and your schedule. You cannot need me. You are you.)
Business as always.  Illusions make good money.