I was born under self-pitying stars. Us stingers are destined to sob in every corner of our lives and say,
"Why, why me? Nobody ever understands me!"
I am, very much, like that, but hate imposing the wrong "ass-u-me" on people. Fair enough, I am devil in a penguin disguise, any sod will not take me as serious and useful, but rather as creepy and weird. But that does not suggest me that you don't get me.
Being misunderstood is kind of a luxury. You can take an advantage of such situations. It is all about human psychology, and disguise is a useful tool when it comes to manipulating others.
Then, again, it can be the source of self-pitying, in some occasions. For instance, people decidedly call me a jumpy paranoia, who look at the half empty glass and put up defence walls all around me. I get accused for blowing up bad stories done to me because I jump to conclusions.
There is a difference between pointing facts out and assuming what other people think. If you are being a bully, I'd say,
"I think you are mean because you did this and that,"
I am merely pointing out what you practiced, not that I am assuming that you hate me. You being not nice to me is not making me to whip up a conclusion you don't want to hear or admit.
Yes, I was ignored by them bitches at work, and yes, they were loud and not working, and yes, one of them forgot to tell me what he was supposed to do and made me pay a few hundred extra quid to cover it up, and yes, I filed the complaints because he was not listening to me. Under those circumstances, did I ever say that them bitches hate me? No. Even though I REALLY do have to think they must dislike me, I NEVER said they did. You do NOT guess what's going on in others' head.
Assumption is a mother of all fuck-ups. It really is. Face the music, and eat the reality. (Tough!)