Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Asking Him Out

Since when it became a norm and a OK thing to ask a man if you are his girlfriend? You have got to be joking telling me that I should have asked every single one of my exes! You don't ask a guy that because he will run for his life!
I have only asked this once, and I went through hell. It was only worth it as he is love of my life. But I swore that it was a naive side of me doing unthinkable in youth.
Besides, if you have to ask, then there is something wrong with you two. He clearly isn't man enough to be obvious, or just being sloppy and lazy and taking you lightly, or whatever.
Nobody ever asked me to be a girlfriend (except for the one I run for my life,) and that was a norm to me. Only one person I knew asked a girl to be his girl friend, and it was a grand gesture by our standard, as she was not giving in, and she was a big deal to him.
I am having a hard time accepting that that is what everyone else does. I thought that only happens in kindergarten playgrounds.