Saturday, 29 March 2008

Miracles Do Happen

RENT has now been extended its showing till 7/Sept. I wonder what the hell will happen to those ticket for the original final call, that was selling for 9000 bucks on eBay. Why am I even going to see the show next month, if I had a choice to do so later on when I have more money.

But in all, who cares, that show deserves all the attention it is getting right now, and even if it ends up somewhat a money making scheme (ther is always someone who is so realistic and practical, turns everyuthing into cash,) it still is OK, I guess.

It’s like these Barbra Streisand shows where people keep thinking that she will never perform again, only for her to return a few years later. Like a phenix, or something.

I’ll cover you. You’d be my Queen.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Things I Do for Kicks

Leaveing the work and going home with tank on empty (*AFTER that red warning light comes on on my dash board, informing the petrol level being almost empty.)

Not going onto the left lane to exit motorway, until I go past all 3 arrow signs; 3 arrows, 2 arrows, and 1 final arrow! (ONLY when it is safe to do so. Honest.)

The alarming light comes on when the tank has less than 5L of petrol. My work is 30 miles away from home, yet I have to drive 3 extra miles to get to the petrol station called ASDA, just so I can save 6p per litter. There is nothing quite this thrilling as to drive all that way while constantly looking at the indicator going lower and lower. I mean, the needle on the meter is hovering around 5L line to begin with, then goes half way down to "E" and began shiver above and below "E", then the question is no longer, "How much do I have before it goes empty?" but "How far can I go after it IS empty?"

(Actually, it is useful to know exactly how much / far, even when you are not doing it for kicks. It is extremely handy for the occasions such as when renting cars. You start driving with what they describe as "1/3 tank full of petrol", which you have to refill as you return the vehicle to the rental company. You are already pissed off that they charged extra for some stupid insurance, which you will most probably never going to need, and the last thing you want to do is to give them free gas. You want to fill the car 1/3 up, no more, no less, and get the hell out there before they ask you for some more money for whatever reasons. So you time it. Crafty calculation and such is needed there, along with the precise knowledge of this, "How far can I go before" business.)

I totally do this every week. It is so much fun. No, no, I did not forget to fill her up, and no I certainly did not go on doing 110MPH this morning while racing 1 or 2 BMWs and a Golf GTI, because they did not indicate once before cutting in front of me. No, I didn’t.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

She Ain’t Called Bitch for No Reason

One of our suppliers has a tech team, of which manager I have spoken with a few times over the phone, and emailed a numerous times. His only son died at the tender age of pre-teen, with sudden illness.
"He fell ill on a Tue and died on a Fri,"
The email from his colleague said. That is so Forrest Gump.
First thing that popped into my head was to somehow reach the guy and give him a hug and comfort him, but as it is not practical, and probably OTT, the next, and decent thing to do is to send him a condolence card.
I turned around to my bitch boss and told what happened. She didn’t move a muscle.
"It is just so terrible, don’t you think?" Well, so I thought maybe we can send a card or something."
And the first thing the bitch said was,
"Do we really have to do something like that?"
"What? Well, I don’t think that’s compulsory, but don’t you see how sad and terrible..."
"Yeah, maybe, but he is not my friend or anything."
I was actually speechless after that. And people there call ME insensitive.
"Are you saying we have to send a card everytime our suppliers’ staff’s family member dies?"
She was asking me.
"It’s not the same as his mother has died. It’s his only son, and he was a child."
"Oh, maybe you got a different system in you. I don’t have that sort of sense in me."
She concluded. I deeply regretted to ever bringing that up there. I could, and should have just sent a card personally.
How is that people love her and call her lovely? And I open my big mouth and that’s how people hate me even though I never, ever, had an ounce of malice in me and am full of compassion.
I am so sorry for your loss, P. I really am. May nature bless your son.