Saturday, 22 March 2008

She Ain’t Called Bitch for No Reason

One of our suppliers has a tech team, of which manager I have spoken with a few times over the phone, and emailed a numerous times. His only son died at the tender age of pre-teen, with sudden illness.
"He fell ill on a Tue and died on a Fri,"
The email from his colleague said. That is so Forrest Gump.
First thing that popped into my head was to somehow reach the guy and give him a hug and comfort him, but as it is not practical, and probably OTT, the next, and decent thing to do is to send him a condolence card.
I turned around to my bitch boss and told what happened. She didn’t move a muscle.
"It is just so terrible, don’t you think?" Well, so I thought maybe we can send a card or something."
And the first thing the bitch said was,
"Do we really have to do something like that?"
"What? Well, I don’t think that’s compulsory, but don’t you see how sad and terrible..."
"Yeah, maybe, but he is not my friend or anything."
I was actually speechless after that. And people there call ME insensitive.
"Are you saying we have to send a card everytime our suppliers’ staff’s family member dies?"
She was asking me.
"It’s not the same as his mother has died. It’s his only son, and he was a child."
"Oh, maybe you got a different system in you. I don’t have that sort of sense in me."
She concluded. I deeply regretted to ever bringing that up there. I could, and should have just sent a card personally.
How is that people love her and call her lovely? And I open my big mouth and that’s how people hate me even though I never, ever, had an ounce of malice in me and am full of compassion.
I am so sorry for your loss, P. I really am. May nature bless your son.