You know your enemy. You intensely dislike somebody, sometime loath them, sometime plain tolerate them, yet all along you are knit picking them on whatever they do in front of you. You can't stand them and you can't stand their joy or happiness. You may wish them harm, or you certainly wish someone to bring them the harm.
You know that somehow you are jealous of them, or at least jealous of what they have. They may have gotten your girl, or they may have gotten the job you wanted, or they may have the car you wouldn't get because you can't afford to and you were sensible enough to opt to an entry level car with 52mpg performance.
Or, it is possible that you just hate them.
I have a few of those. I know I am jealous of some of them, but to me it is like this; I am absolutely jealous of what they have, because I truly believe that they do not deserve what they have. I end up self-pitying me, saying,
"Why them? Why not me? What have I not done not to have those things?"
It bothers me enormously that sometimes in my life I do come across the chances for those things they have to become mine, and I somehow manage to think that I am this sad git that is trying to be the people one hates.
Why am I getting cars that are one or two levels down from what he ever had? Am I getting a beamer next? Really?? My guess would be 1 series? then what, a Bentley??