Tuesday, 19 April 2011


This was my uni time, years and years ago...

My friend started dating this guy who was a year above us and also was rich. To me he was just money, because that's all he thought about when it came to the objectives of his life. He wasn't particularly good looking nor charming, and was always looking for a girl who is suitable for him and his family. My friend fit in the picture to him as she was extremely attractive and loved money, and was also a bit thick.

Before my friend he was b**ging some girls in his year (sorry for the way I put it but that's the most appropriate word,) but they were never his girlfriends, that sort of thing.

After my friend became his girlfriend he started telling her about his flings and one day my thick friend pointed at the girl afar and told me that that was his fling.

"Everyone is laughing at her and calling her a village bicycle, everyone had a ride."

She said, very demeaningly.

"I asked him how could you f**k someone like her and he told me he always did her from behind and made sure her face was buried in her pillow."

She continued triumphantly, laughing.

OK, so she was a bit of a slapper and was not so attractive, everyone may have had a bite, but did she deserve such a comment from whom just happened to become his girlfriend instead of his squeeze? And why are you laughing at her, this is some derogatory thing YOUR boyfriend did!!??

Well, I heard him talking equally disrespecting stuff about my friend and it just made me feel reassured that I saw him through from the beginning. This gave me a valuable lesson, never to be friend with someone who slags people off, because he / she will do that to you when you are out of sight.

But the point of this entry is that I recently found him on SNS (FB to be precise) and when I saw his profile the "bicycle" was in his list. O, you silly girl, you have not learned anything??

I can't stand these harmful, pretentious people who is out there to get anyone because they love nothing but themselves.

In totally unrelated subject,
I've got Fig on my foot.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

It all happens all at once...

Today my crush confesses his love for me. Well, I didn't buy it. You can't fall for someone after only about 6 months of talking, texting, and emailing, without even kissing that person, nah, not real. (I have only touched his hand when handing back his change.)

In the meantime the guy who has gotten rid of me shows up at my door after 10 months.

Life is a funny place to be.

My boss is currently on his annual leave and I am supposed to be in charge of my team (me plus a nutty one). I have so much to do and cannot keep an eye on the loopy one, but am doing my best. It feels like a madness handing a load of work which is basically 3 times more than usual amount, while the weather has been crazy hot outside, it feels like I am in a bad dream, or on an acid trip I've heard so much about. All the flowers came out all at once, the scenery is of May now in the filed (bluebell, lilacs and wisterias all in bloom, can you believe that???) my dogs were panting in heat when walking.

Something is wrong. or changing. I can sense something is up. My herald told me some changes / commotions in March and April, one being the earthquake, I take it, so what's the other? What, what?

Can anyone sense that? There is something in the air, can you smell it?
No wonder I need them at work.
My work life savers xx

Monday, 11 April 2011


My crush did not kidnap me in his car, and I had a really nice afternoon at his work place, looking at iSAM and all. The more I spend the time with him the more I am addicted to this guy yet the more I am becoming sure this is not going to work. All is confusing as all other things in my life are.

Today I took my Figarion (and Waywee) to a long walk in fields, and I let him off the leash so he can play fetch. He, then, immediately began running towards this Alsatian 1/6 mile away with a bunch of people and did not come back to me as I commanded.

He finally came back after these nice people told him to bugger off, running back to me, only to return to Alsatian and the people right away. I was so embarrassed from afar, just repeating his name like idiot, and commands to come back to me.

He did this 3 times, running back and forth. I was all red but luckily the people didn't see me as they are now 1/4 mile away, walking away from us.

It is a tough call to decide if I should be happy that he listens to me eventually while he chooses the time to listens to me. Well, I guess he does have brain, which suites him fine. (Waywee can never return to me, I know this.)

More from my new collection.
They are so cute, but
I wish they made Wales ones.

Thursday, 7 April 2011


My crush has been so sweet to me, it was very obvious that he liked me probably more than I did to him. He was constantly in touch with me throughout every day, I got used to him being around, and since I genuinely enjoyed his company it was becoming more than infatuation, but something with a bit more back bone.

and he got me this!!
I told him that I was crazy about him, (as in, I am crazy about these new luxuary compact cars, or I am crazy about fusion menues available in yappie restaurants, or I am crazy about fitness platform shoes.) My, was he chuffed to bits. He flipped with joy, and I freaked out seeing his reaction. Did I say the right word? I never knew "crazy" has to equale "in love"?? AM not in love with my crush, no, no, no!!

Next thing I know he was asking so what this lead us to next? Urrr, nowhere. This will not go anywhere, he is not right for me, so all is staying as is. Yet he invited me to pop around to his work place, and how could I say no to that, he works for THE company.

He suggested that he drives out to my work place and pick me up as this saves me driving as well as the congestion charge. I declined but he insisted.

Am going there this afternoon. Hope he won't kidnap me in his car.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Bill Evans and His Genius

Well, a friend asked me about Bill Evans, and I am taking advantage of writing up an entry about Bill.

Bill Evans is a jazz pianist who was classically trained and known for his improvisational style and experimenting attitudes with new technologies such as electric piano. He is, in my opinion, relatively unknown / forgotten musician; none of my friends who are into / play jazz knew who he was, even though they ALL got THE album, "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis.

Miles Davis, "Kind of Blue" 1959
Bill Evans was the only white musician in Miles' sextet at the time of recording of "Kind of Blue", and said to have influenced Miles deeply during the session, where Miles took to impro heavily, while Bill Evans's problem with drug addiction worsened.

Bill Evans's music styles varied through years but he was always dedicated to his work and was a workaholic, which resulted in many, many albums, including many studio recoded albums.

I only have about 10 albums (He recorded about 50 or 60) and cannot say I know Bill Evans all that well, but his debut album "New Jazz Conceptions" was superb, and his second "Everybody Digs Bill Evans" is also amazing, which contains my absolute favourite "Peace Piece".
Bill Evans, "New Jazz Conception" 1956

Bill Evans, "Everybody Digs Bill Evans" 1958

"Peace Piece", to me, defines "beautiful music", it sounds more classical than jazz, and refreshing and very, very touching. Certainly not upbeat, but you must listen to this at least once to appreciate Bill Evans. 

As for live recordings he did produce many good quality recordings, interesting and diverse one is "Bill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival", as this is of very lively session, while Bill not making overstatement with his piano.
Bill Evans,
"Bill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival"
His later recordings are slightly confusing, being similar to Miles Davis style in late 60's. With more electric samples the pieces sounds less soothing but more psychedelic.

He died in 1980 as the result of years of drug abuse.
I still dig Bill Evans and his genius today.