My friend started dating this guy who was a year above us and also was rich. To me he was just money, because that's all he thought about when it came to the objectives of his life. He wasn't particularly good looking nor charming, and was always looking for a girl who is suitable for him and his family. My friend fit in the picture to him as she was extremely attractive and loved money, and was also a bit thick.
Before my friend he was b**ging some girls in his year (sorry for the way I put it but that's the most appropriate word,) but they were never his girlfriends, that sort of thing.
After my friend became his girlfriend he started telling her about his flings and one day my thick friend pointed at the girl afar and told me that that was his fling.
"Everyone is laughing at her and calling her a village bicycle, everyone had a ride."
She said, very demeaningly.
"I asked him how could you f**k someone like her and he told me he always did her from behind and made sure her face was buried in her pillow."
She continued triumphantly, laughing.
OK, so she was a bit of a slapper and was not so attractive, everyone may have had a bite, but did she deserve such a comment from whom just happened to become his girlfriend instead of his squeeze? And why are you laughing at her, this is some derogatory thing YOUR boyfriend did!!??
Well, I heard him talking equally disrespecting stuff about my friend and it just made me feel reassured that I saw him through from the beginning. This gave me a valuable lesson, never to be friend with someone who slags people off, because he / she will do that to you when you are out of sight.
But the point of this entry is that I recently found him on SNS (FB to be precise) and when I saw his profile the "bicycle" was in his list. O, you silly girl, you have not learned anything??
I can't stand these harmful, pretentious people who is out there to get anyone because they love nothing but themselves.
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In totally unrelated subject, I've got Fig on my foot. |