Sunday, 17 April 2011

It all happens all at once...

Today my crush confesses his love for me. Well, I didn't buy it. You can't fall for someone after only about 6 months of talking, texting, and emailing, without even kissing that person, nah, not real. (I have only touched his hand when handing back his change.)

In the meantime the guy who has gotten rid of me shows up at my door after 10 months.

Life is a funny place to be.

My boss is currently on his annual leave and I am supposed to be in charge of my team (me plus a nutty one). I have so much to do and cannot keep an eye on the loopy one, but am doing my best. It feels like a madness handing a load of work which is basically 3 times more than usual amount, while the weather has been crazy hot outside, it feels like I am in a bad dream, or on an acid trip I've heard so much about. All the flowers came out all at once, the scenery is of May now in the filed (bluebell, lilacs and wisterias all in bloom, can you believe that???) my dogs were panting in heat when walking.

Something is wrong. or changing. I can sense something is up. My herald told me some changes / commotions in March and April, one being the earthquake, I take it, so what's the other? What, what?

Can anyone sense that? There is something in the air, can you smell it?
No wonder I need them at work.
My work life savers xx

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