Saturday, 21 May 2011

I took a day off and went to Gloucestershire to feed Penguins

It was my first day off, as in a day of fun, since forever, and I just wanted to take my dogs and a friend to Gloucestershire to see King Penguins.

My banner picture is of King Penguins I took last year in Berlin Zoo, and they were fat and beautiful, yet they were so far away from me, as their habitat was within a climate controlled glass room.

When we got to the Birdland in Bourton-on-the-Water, and as soon as walking into the birds area I pretty much came face to face with these fatties.

I could have touched them at this point.
My company was in a generous mood who also knew too well how hard I was working for weeks and weeks including weekends, for free, decided to surprise me with a gift of the right to feed penguins there. I was speechless when I found out this was pre-booked prior to our visit, and deeply touched.

Anyway, so here we went the feeding time, I was led through the back of the penguin house, and the keeper gave me all the instructions such as;

Do not pat penguins,
Do not pick the fish up from floor if you / penguins drop any,
Do not be startled by the hand reared penguins who will think you are the mum and will not leave you alone,
etc. etc.

This is me feeding the hand reared penguin who just stood around my feet like a kitten.
Meet "Spike" the Penguin.
The experience was once in the life time thing for me. The right to feed actually costs quite a bit, but not only that, the fact I was almost squished by hungry King Penguins while holding dead fish in my Marigolded hands were just too fun and joyous to be described by my limited vocabulary. It was just like a dream, but somehow a lot better than a dream.

It was quite a hard work though, feeding them birds. I mean, small penguins (Humboldt) ate small fish that were scattered into pool, but I find throwing fish at the right timing so the birds can catch them while swimming at the full speed was not a piece of cake.

Then there were Kings. I guess they weren't too starving or something, but I had to walk around remembering which penguin was fed and which was not, instead of let them come to me asking for food. Then I have to be patient before they open their beaks to swallow the fish. Some pecked me a lot, and some plain refused to eat.

The 4th penguin from the left, the kind of fluffy one, is the one who starred in Batman Returns, and he is apparently 32 yrs old (penguin year or human year, am not sure which.) He was limping a little but was a character. He ate from me, so that was cool :)

It was a fun day, and I thank my dear friend for the gift, and for spending this special day with me.

Penguins are simply so beautiful. And fat.


  1. Omg. The photos are so adorable! What an experience. To die for. Wow. Can't believe there is a celebrity pemguin too. So happy to know you are having so much fun in meaningful way. Keep more photos coming. :)

  2. Thank you DD!
    I took so many pictures on my film camera, too, they were so close and were sooooo beautiful, it was sear heaven being pecked at by so many of them (not that I enjoy pain in any shape or form, hehe.)
