I knew nothing of Calais, but just assumed that it is a touristy place where everyone goes for SEEING thing. (I now know, obviously, that it's the place for shopping in bulks.)
So, when I reached Calais, after not so much sleeping for about 24 hrs, I was completely lost. Calais had nothing visibly interesting. Besides, I was on the edge of collapsing after the long bus ride.
Then I decided to go further to Paris, which did cost a bit but, well, wouldn't be a total waste.
Had fab time in Paris. I remember it as a quiet holiday, as I didn't really speak to anyone, apart from the hotel people, for the entire time I was there. I regretted not having been successful in my Spanish Class, Parisian seemed to less hate Spanish speakers, compare to English speakers.
I remember taking a nap in Muse D'Orsey, after completely satisfied looking at Lautrecs. I remember trying to have a fancy dinner and all I could afford was a pizza at an Italian restaurant. I remember McDonald's coffee was SO good. A can of coke did cost 1.5 quid, which nearly shocked me to death.
When I got back on board on P&Q, heading back to Dover, it was the time for my shopping. I was into vodka at that time, and was asked by my gay Finish neighbour to get him a bottle of Finlandia so we can share it one night. So, my back-pack-like-pack was immediately filled with that and some other bottles, which eventually weighed about 30kg.
I got back to Victoria with art books and booze on my back, and bought a train ticket to Greenwich. It was 4pm or 5pm when I reached there.
Basically, I was sent back to London by kind stranger who found me wondering, looking for a B&B. They said it's not safe and there's no chance I'd find one. (And I was pretty sure that I knocked one of K.K.K. buildings when I was looking for a hotel.) Somehow, I was wondering about in Greenwich for 6 hrs without finding anything.
Next day, I went back (more money!) and the first thing I did was to find a pet shop I saw the day before. It was a HUGE pet store with a sign on the window;
"SALE! 1 mouse 99p"