Tuesday, 13 September 2005

Tonsillitis and 6550 Chicks

I got tonsillitis about 3 weeks ago. I have been injured and not healthy for months, and the final hit was this. I never felt so close to death before then. I had temperature close to 40, and I was totally alone for days. I knew that I was going to die and wouldn't be discovered (or I felt so sure about it, like you would with that temperature) for days, so I kept calling all people I could think of, letting them know that I was dying.
Anyway, my fever didn't go away for over a week, and I changed antibiotics once, and took all kinds of pain killers just to keep me from shivering.
Even though my temperature didn't go down to my normal point, I had to start my new job eventually. I couldn't, and wouldn't risk my first ever proper job.
Ohh, god, it was just awful. I showed up in crutches, with thermometer in my bag of pills, all doped up and dizzing. In that condition, I had to do pretty much everything including taking calls from all over Europe. (Uhhh, couldn't take French accent that day, just had no idea what the hell they were saying...)
Anyway, I went on. I love the new job, and there are so much to learn, and I am brand-spanking-new there so everyone keeps coming up to me, like, from all over the world, and talks to me.
My boss took me to a short tour of palletting area in our warehouse, and also took me around the BA loading area etc.
I've already said a wrong company name when answering phone, and was yelled at by angry Dutch men (not one).
A couple of days ago, I was making special notes on our flights, and came across the line.
"1 x pallet Live Day Old Chicks."
First, I thought it was a metaphor. I don't know...like, some sort of a product name, or something. I mean, 1 pallet full of 1 day old chicks? That would be like a ton of flipping yellow fluffs. Can you imagine? And why 1 day old? Why not 1 week old? And why are they flying all the way round to the other side of the earth? Wouldn't they die via that sort of travelling?
First, I asked my boss if they are really chicks. Then I asked if they are alive, (Of course, he says, and tapped the code "AVI" as I should have recognized that already.) and I said if they are really 1 day old.
They are really pallet full of 1 day old chicks!! And apparently they travel quite well.
And my sweet boss actually took me to see them today. (It was obviously for my benefit, so I could learn more details of our business, like how the whole order would go through.)
There were like 6500 plus chicks in SO many boxes, all yapping and fluffy. They had this weird baby heat woozing around them which you could feel only with your skin when you stand near by them, but not with your palm skin when you are trying to poke them. They were just amazing.
I could stay there forever, but they were obviously being packed up in a hurry and I had to leave.
I don't know. Maybe I am a simple person. I loved recovering from bloody tonsillitis and getting to a new job, and I loved walking around the freighters, and I so loved them chicks. I think my life is wonderful.