I got up this morning and found my Figarion (my new dog) destroyed the dog flap which did cost me fortune to install wen I replaced the back door some years back. Figarion has a habit of getting himself out of the house when he feels like it even when something is in front of the flap, blocking him from getting out. In many cases it's my baby Wayee (my original dog) who is poking her head through the flap, looking out for any intruders in our garden. And Figarion just stretches himself between Wayee and the flap (which is, BTW, the size of a small hankie,) and gets out regardless, with Wayee's head locked in this tangle! This force must have done the damage, somehow, because now the hinge of the flap is broken off. Or maybe he just dashed it through too many time, like he is doing right now. (O, look at him go!) Anyway, it's broken and I have a hole in my back door. The flap was all functioning ok for over 7 yrs, and now this??
My, I might as well restart the blog by journaling what Figarion has broke and ate every day. It sure will make an interesting read, and sure to comfort other dog owners who have mischievous dogs, because mine certainly is more than a handful.
Wow, apparently I can just buy the replacement flaps, instead of replacing the whole thing. I'd better stock up then. It feels like the beginning of the endless game, me trapped in this vicious cycle of keep replacing the flap for, like, ever. My ball of joy Figarion will keep dominating my financial plans...
(Names of dogs have been altered for the purpose of cuteness.)
Wayee Baby xx |
Figarion (Figs) |
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