Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Melvin Udall Says...

My colleague is going a bit loopy lately. I have been saying to my bosses that she is losing it, and nobody took me very seriously. Well, nobody took her seriously, I guess.

When someone with hypochondriac tendencies gets stuck somewhere he/she will come up with something like depression. I am not sure if she actually IS depressed or not, but her behaviour is becoming erratic, and she has been nothing but a selfish, unresponsive, sobbing (!) mess in the past few weeks.

She then self-diagnosed herself to be "depressed" (and menopausal) and started acting like a depressed (and menopausal) person, rather than just a regular nuts. (I think she is nuts, rather than depressed.)

Having gone through a nervous break-down myself (I am a child of Ally McBeal era, and I, too, convinced to take steps to depression when was having difficulties; counseling, therapists, doctors, all that drama, minus pills. Pills are evil.) I was not too sure if she actually was depressed, instead of just sad.

She began protesting me and others while sobbing and gasping, because she feels she was under appreciated and ignored (we had to ignore her as she was distracting us all from carrying on running the business,) and all tears coming down, and she was saying,
"I am going to go over the line, I am so pushed and can't take this any more...!!"

It was rather hysterical. And all I could think was Mr. Udall saying,
"You're a disgrace to depression."

As Good As It Gets (1997)
I may sound a bit cold and unsympathetic, but there are reasons for that, such as;
I just don't think she is actually medically depressed. I don't see any symptoms of it.
She is creating the cause of sadness to herself by not getting out to have life.
She is not making enough effort to progress at her job, and keep blaming others for not getting any promotion.
She was very, very unsupportive when I was having problems at work, and personal life.

This is not a revengeful thinking. I do feel for her in many ways, I mean, life is a bitch, it's not easy to swallow, I know. But you are responsible for your own life. You can ask for help, and you should, rather than making so much scene to make others' working life difficult, which only results in making her life lot tougher.

Here is the source of my anti depressant xxx
Ohh well.


  1. oh my oh my ... you are right ... kinda the same ... this is freakishly cool! yesh, we shouldn't give up cause our species, only deserve nothing but the very very best!

    PS. I didn't know that black/white photo I love has been in existent for so long .. I thought it's new! BTW, what Bill Evans songs/albums are nice? I only checked out one @ youtube - My Foolish Heart. Brings chill (good way)

  2. Yes, you are right. I deserve the best, and I will keep progressing :) I, too, have to keep trying to be positive, as am very self-doubting in nature, due to my upbringing. Totally in sync with you there.

    Bill Evans, to me, is the best. Not just "smooth" but has this certain rhythm which agrees with me. "My Foolish Heart" is good, yes! Try "Peace Piece", that's my definition of beautiful music.
