Monday, 27 December 2010

Mr. EggBe Says,

"Dee, you are a cxxt."

I am not a big fan of C word, and I can just hate Mr. EggBe for his fondness towards saying the word every minute on the minute, but in this case I really am one.

Ever since the new tax year's started I was feeling a pinch. I felt like I was always short of money. Somehow, somewhat, I was always a little struggling to make the monthly saving each month.

I put it down to the fact I was gone on a holiday to Pacific, or my addiction for eBay-ing every now and then. I have tightened my budget even more than usual, and cut down many aspects of daily expenses, and I was OK in the end.

Urrr, well. I wonder how that was possible, when Inland Revenue actually taxed me 75% more than they should have since April 2010??

My big boss called me into his office and said,
"Dee, I think you got a wrong Tax Code on your payroll. You must contact the tax people."
Apparently, I was on an emergency Tax Code for 6 months, and was not tax exempt for the allowance, instead fully paying Tax all way through.

I am a tight arse, and I love budgeting. I love sitting around analysing my saving plans, and review my expenses. I keep all my bills, receipts, and bank statements for as long as past 10 yrs. Yet I fail to review how much I am getting paid???

I have done very similar, yet even worse thing with my money a while ago, which, luckily I could compensate, but took me 3 yrs, THREE LONG YEARS, for me to even realize that I was on a wrong payment plan. I am a classic see you next tuesday, I am.

In the meantime here is the individual
who lives the motto;
"Ignorance is Bliss"
(Baywee after a bath, double in size.)


  1. Geez! That's horrible! I hope you get everything sorted out soon! Oh yeah ... though I'm a bit late now ... Merry X'mas (super late one) and hope you have a great new year too. Any big plans for the eve?

  2. Merry Christmas + Happy New Year to you, too! Hope to catch up with your next entry soon, DD x (I am working through the holiday, a bit of extra money for me, and get to see loads of people, all is good. You?)

  3. Oops, I have been slacking with my next entry :p
    Don't work too hard either.
    Me? Well, parents were here for cousin's wedding then went back. My best friend was here for a while and just went back (I'm typing this in airport :p). Did have a few gathering with different groups of friends, so overall it's been quite fruitful. I have not done my goal setting yet though. Have you? Any goal for 2011?
