Monday, 14 February 2011

The Day Has Arrived

The V day is here. I am doing something REALLY sad tonight. I will report this later because it will be such a laugh!

I love being on my own, but I feel the world is against singletons. And it is increasingly hard on aging people like myself. It's OK to be single when you are 21 but not when you are 41 (which I am not, yet.)

I will live my life with one purpose;
When I die just one someone will say,
"I am glad D was born."

Anyway, tonight will be something to talk about later. Much cracking time.
Our Local Statue.
(People in my town will know what this is.)


  1. Happy belated V-day, D! From another D who's always glad whenever there's another D exists in this world :)

  2. Hey, just saw this, thank you xxx
    I will post the follow-ups and you can read about my bloody valentine! (Oh, the suspence!)

    Hope your V day was a nice one :)
