Saturday, 5 February 2011


My crush did something I can only describe as the sweetest thing anyone ever did for me, in real, dream and fantasy life put together.

He showed up at my work with this present, and talked to me from his Vauxhall window, and I was all smiles, and and just could not believe he did this things for me.

"I fancy you, D, but I don't want you to think I am flirting with you,"

were his conflicting words,

OK, so maybe I have nothing to worry about. I am so smitten with this guy and so is he with me but we both know this cannot go anywhere.

I wonder if this is all trick?

And he really knows how to entice someone, (when I told my girl friends what he did they all squealed saying they couldn't believe how big a gesture he made.) yet closes the chapter with a statement like, "I am not gonna touch this."? O, eh.

Ramsey Lewis on my stereo sounds so stirring to me right now...
To demonstrate my joy then, I have put this up,
as this is a sight of heaven to me,
and I was 15 times happier to see him then.

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